How get version of domain schema and also how get current version of Forest and Domain Functional Level


dsquery * cn=schema,cn=configuration,dc=domainname,dc=local -scope base -attr objectVersion

repadmin /showattr * cn=schema,cn=configuration,dc=lab,dc=fujitsu,dc=local /atts:ObjectVersion

POWERSHELL : Get-ADObject (get-adrootdse).schemaNamingContext -Property objectVersion

13 – server 2000
30 – server 2003
31 – server 2003 r2
44 – server 2008
47 – server 2008 r2
56 – server 2012
69 – server 2012 r2
87 – server 2016
88 – server 2019
88 – server 2022 (OS Build 20298.1 Preview)

Get version of domain version (adprep /domainprep)

get-adobject -ldapfilter ‚(&(objectClass=Container)(cn=ActiveDirectoryUpdate))‘ -Properties *| select Name, CanonicalName,revision
get-adobject -filter {objectClass -like ‚Container‘ -and cn -like ‚ActiveDirectoryUpdate‘} -Properties * | select revision


3 = Windows Server 2008
5 = Windows Server 2008R2
9 = Windows Server 2012
10 = Windows Server 2012R2
15 = Windows Server 2016
16 = Windows Server 2019
16 = Windows Server 2022 (OS Build 20298.1 Preview)

How get current version of Forest Functional Level

dsquery * „CN=Partitions,CN=Configuration,DC=lab,DC=local“ -scope base -attr msDS-Behavior-Version
Get-ADObject -Filter {CN -like „Partitions“} -SearchBase „CN=Configuration,DC=master,DC=com“ -Properties * | select msDS-Behavior-Version

0 = Windows 2000
1 = Windows 2003 interim
2 = Windows 2003
3 = Windows 2008
4 = Windows 2008 R2
5 = Windows 2012
6 = Windows 2012 R2
7 = Windows Server 2016
7 = Windows Server 2019 (There is no update in FFL)
7 = Windows Server 2022 (There is no update in FFL)
10 = vNext Windows Server 2025

How get current version of Domain Functional Level

dsquery * „DC=lab,DC=local“ -scope base -attr msDS-Behavior-Version
get-adobject (Get-ADRootDSE).defaultnamingcontext -Properties * | select msDS-Behavior-Version

0,0 = Windows 2000 Native
0,1 = Windows 2000 Mixed
2,0 = Windows 2003
3,0 = Windows 2008
4,0 = Windows 2008 R2
5,0 = Windows 2012
6,0 = Windows 2012 R2
7.0 = Windows Server 2016
7.0 = Windows Server 2019 (There is no update in DFL)
7.0 = Windows Server 2022 (There is no update in DFL)
10 = vNext Windows Server 2025

Rubriky: Active Directory | Komentáře nejsou povolené u textu s názvem How get version of domain schema and also how get current version of Forest and Domain Functional Level

List all users in domain who has set password never expired

wmic UserAccount where PasswordExpires=False get Name
 greate command 


Rubriky: Active Directory, MIcrosoft Windows (client/server) | Komentáře nejsou povolené u textu s názvem List all users in domain who has set password never expired

I can not start my VM in Hyper-V (MS s2k8 R2 ) Event ID 12030, 1201

„VM name “ Failed to start .( virtual  machine ID  xxxxxxxxxx )

I had a problem with start my VM in Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 server. I found this case.


Probably  you have a Machine which CPU  – Advanced Vector Extension  ( Intel® Advanced Vector Extensions (Intel® AVX) is a set of instructions for doing Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) operations on Intel® architecture CPUs. These instructions extend previous SIMD offerings (MMX™ instructions and Intel® Streaming SIMD Extensions (Intel® SSE)) by adding the following new features: The 128-bit SIMD registers have been expanded to 256 bits. Intel® AVX is designed to support 512 or 1024 bits in the future. Three-operand, nondestructive operations have been added. Previous two-operand instructions performed operations such as A = A + B, which overwrites a source operand; the new operands can perform operations like A = B + C, leaving the original source operands unchanged. A few instructions take four-register operands, allowing smaller and faster code by removing unnecessary instructions. Memory alignment requirements for operands are relaxed. A new extension coding scheme (VEX) has been designed to make future additions easier as well as making coding of instructions smaller and faster to execute.)-brief extract  from Intel web page

Visit this Microsoft web page  !!!!



Rubriky: Virtualization | Komentáře nejsou povolené u textu s názvem I can not start my VM in Hyper-V (MS s2k8 R2 ) Event ID 12030, 1201

Compare LastLogontimeStamp on objects between DC

repadmin /showattr * CN=user,OU=xx,DC=domain,dc=com /attrs:lastLogontimeStamp


for next commands use command repadmin /?



Rubriky: Active Directory | Komentáře nejsou povolené u textu s názvem Compare LastLogontimeStamp on objects between DC

Set safeboot over boot.ini Win XP

go to c:\ and open boot.ini file ( you have to allow see  hide files  over tools/folder options/view/ and show hidden files, folders or drives


[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS=”Microsoft Windows XP Professional” /noexecute=optin /fastdetect

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS=”Safe Mode” /safeboot:minimal /sos /bootlog


Rubriky: MIcrosoft Windows (client/server) | Komentáře nejsou povolené u textu s názvem Set safeboot over boot.ini Win XP