SCOM nastavení přeposílání SNMP trapů


Set SCOM 2007 to forward SNMP traps

Trapgen.exe : Used to generate the traps.

download trapgen.exe  - or you can find it in my OneDrive (accessible from this page ), folder tools (

SNMPTrap.exe : Used to check out snmp traps.( for  this check , adjust destination  IP address on local IP of SCOM server )


Download or copy both tools on your SCOM server. I copy them in C:\SNMP\ folder.

In the console go to the Administration pane then select Settings and open Notification properties.

Go to the Command tab and click on Add.

The command line used is : C:\SNMP\trapgen.exe


The command line parameters are :

Where IP is destination IP address of next monitoring server (Tivoli IBM) is the IP address of my SCOM server

The initial directory is : C:\SNMP\

When you are done , create a new Notification recipient ( can be local user of SCOM server or domain user )

Select your notification command channel like below (delivery  address is useless for us) and continue in N.D Wizard

So you have Recipient and  last step will be how create Subsciption.

Make up new name for subscription and add your exist notification recipients for SNMP traps

On User role filter tab press next and here you can choose groups which you want to cover.

On Classes tab press next and here choose all ( press on check all button ) , if you want and finish the wizard.

Now you can check if your monitoring system 3rd side is geting snmp traps from SCOM2007

I have used it on my SCOM server and „without problems“

good web page –

$Data/Context/DataItem/AlertId$ The AlertID GUID $Data/Context/DataItem/AlertName$ The Alert Name $Data/Context/DataItem/Category$ The Alert category (PerformanceHealth,PerformanceCollection,Operations,EventCollection,StateCollection,SoftwareAndUpdates,Alert,System,Custom,AvailabilityHealth,ConfigurationHealth,SecurityHealth,Discovery,NotificationCategory,Maintenance $Data/Context/DataItem/CreatedByMonitor$ True/False $Data/Context/DataItem/Custom1$ CustomField1 $Data/Context/DataItem/Custom2$ CustomField2 $Data/Context/DataItem/Custom3$ CustomField3 $Data/Context/DataItem/Custom4$ CustomField4 $Data/Context/DataItem/Custom5$ CustomField5 $Data/Context/DataItem/Custom6$ CustomField6 $Data/Context/DataItem/Custom7$ CustomField7 $Data/Context/DataItem/Custom8$ CustomField8 $Data/Context/DataItem/Custom9$ CustomField9 $Data/Context/DataItem/Custom10$ CustomField10 $Data/Context/DataItem/DataItemCreateTime$ UTC Date/Time of Dataitem created $Data/Context/DataItem/DataItemCreateTimeLocal$ LocalTime Date/Time of Dataitem created $Data/Context/DataItem/LastModified$ UTC Date/Time DataItem was modified $Data/Context/DataItem/LastModifiedLocal$ Local Date/Time DataItem was modified $Data/Context/DataItem/ManagedEntity$ ManagedEntity GUID $Data/Context/DataItem/ManagedEntityDisplayName$ ManagedEntity Display name $Data/Context/DataItem/ManagedEntityFullName$ ManagedEntity Full name $Data/Context/DataItem/ManagedEntityPath$ Managed Entity Path $Data/Context/DataItem/Priority$ The Alert Priority Number (High=1,Medium=2,Low=3) $Data/Context/DataItem/Owner$ The Alert Owner $Data/Context/DataItem/RepeatCount$ The Alert Repeat Count $Data/Context/DataItem/ResolutionState$ Resolution state ID (0=New, 255= Closed) $Data/Context/DataItem/ResolutionStateLastModified$ UTC Date/Time ResolutionState was last modified $Data/Context/DataItem/ResolutionStateLastModifiedLocal$ Local Date/Time ResolutionState was last modified $Data/Context/DataItem/ResolutionStateName$ The Resolution State Name (New, Closed) $Data/Context/DataItem/ResolvedBy$ Person resolving the alert $Data/Context/DataItem/Severity$ The Alert Severity ID $Data/Context/DataItem/TicketId$ The TicketID $Data/Context/DataItem/TimeAdded$ UTC Time Added $Data/Context/DataItem/TimeAddedLocal$ Local Time Added $Data/Context/DataItem/TimeRaised$ UTC Time Raised $Data/Context/DataItem/TimeRaisedLocal$ Local Time Raised $Data/Context/DataItem/TimeResolved$ UTC Date/Time the Alert was resolved $Data/Context/DataItem/WorkflowId$ The Workflow ID (GUID) $Target/Property[Type=”Notification!Microsoft.SystemCenter.AlertNotificationSubscriptionServer”/WebConsoleUrl$ The Web Console URL Target/Property[Type=”Notification!Microsoft.SystemCenter.AlertNotificationSubscriptionServer”/PrincipalName$ The principalname of the management server $Data/Recipients/To/Address/Address$ The name of the recipient (e.g. the Email alias to which the notification is addressed)

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